December 16, 2018



I repost a couple of the first posts to make the aim of this blog more clear from the first page. :)

While some posts are  rather venting my bad feelings, there are also reflections on theology and practical life and several discussions took place in the comments, especially in 2011 and earlier.

October 27, 2007

This is (was) an attempt to organize and express my thoughts about a time in my Christian walk, and to correct or comment some information available in the cyberspace about the circle of believers I was together with this time. It was six and a half years. There was much to learn in this community, but also several things that need rethinking and looking for a better solution.

My beginning and way

November 3, 2007

As for me, the beginning of my Christianity was in 1995 when the Lord reached me via Bible study with some people of Presbyterian + disciple-making background. So my Christianity has been Bible-study-centered. When i started to believe, I learned about various Christian and "Christian" views from the Internet, books, radio.. Later, in the community, I learned even more, also from talks with brothers-sisters and other people. There I learned also to assess the different views more clearly. And I learned more practical self-denial. I learned about co-operation, complementing each other as members of one body, one family. And now I'm learning how to live up this all outside of that close-knit community.